Mondays through Thursdays from 4:00 - 7:00 PM
Saturdays from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
All students must be enrolled in AutoPay for monthly tuition. Tuition is processed on the 1st of each month (Gymnastics) and the 5th of each month (Karate & Ninja). If the 1st (or 5th) falls on a weekend or holiday, tuition will be processed on the next available business day. If your payment declines, you will be subject to a decline fee.
If you choose to cancel your enrollment, you must complete a cancellation form by the 5th of the month in order to not be charged the following month’s tuition. Cancellation forms can be found at the front desk.
Our tuition is based off of a 45-week calendar year. We will be closed for the following holidays. Please note, we do not offer make-up classes for these holidays.
2025 Gym Holidays:
January 1 - January 4th - Winter Break
March 10 - 15th - FBISD Spring Break
May 24 - 26th - Memorial Day Weekend
July 4 - 5th - Independence Day
August 30 - September 1st - Labor Day Weekend
October 31st - Halloween
November 24 - 29th - FBISD Thanksgiving Break
December 22 - 31st - FBISD Winter Break
Our Tax-Id number is 46-3752392. This can be used for tax purposes to write off services such as, summer camp, under the line item childcare or daycare services.